PROJECT TYPE Government 
Liverpool, NSW
Full Architectural Services
Interior Design Services

Liverpool City Council was undergoing a city revitalisation project and appointed Cube to design their new council offices. The site was a series of six individual tenancies, many disused, amalgamated into a single tenancy for the council office, while reshuffling the two occupied tenancies to give them access to street frontage, improving their position in the building. This required a lot of demolition work, a new façade and the accompanying DA approval process. The site also posed challenges typical of an old building, with significant work required to level the floors.
A significant factor in the design of the new offices and façade was the need for street level activation and a visual and physical connection to the city. This allowed the council to fulfil the need for a revised customer service model, whereby a large central area was at the front of the building, with meeting rooms at the perimeter. Cube consulted closely with the client to design the custom front counter in the public service area, ensuring it was large, open and inviting, though detailed to include specific needs of the council staff within the joinery, such as form storage and cash drawers. Cube implemented a strong design aesthetic in the foyer and celebrated the rebranding of the council with prominent use of the new logo, injection of the new council colours and brand identity. The use of colour throughout the fitout delineated space and purpose.
Beyond the public area, the council staff area included a call-centre element which necessitated particular acoustic treatment, which was taken as an opportunity to insert a sculptural element of interest into the space. The workstation design was specific to task, with the call-centre area utilising the efficient snowflake workstation design and alternatively rectangular workstations and low partitions enabling space for auditing and other work requiring more privacy.
Cube provided full project management services on this project and notwithstanding being based in Melbourne, was available in Sydney at weekly meetings and for any trips as necessary to ensure the project was thoroughly controlled.